19 Kislev: Iraq War Officially Over

Yeserday the 19th of Kislev  the world saw another step towards moshiach, with the fulfilling of the prophecy "They will beat their swords into plowshares." The Pentagon announced that after almost nine years, the Iraq war is finally over. It is interesting to note that Saddam Hussein was captured also on the 19th of Kislev, eight years ago. What is it that make 19th of Kislev so special. Well just ask any Lubavitcher... Chabad has been celebrating this day for the past few hundreds years as a day that the secrets of Torah would be allowed to flow into the world.  Read all about 19th of Kislev HERE . Its interesting  to note that the war started on Purim day. The last gulf war ended on purim.

1. The First Gulf war ended on Purim 1991

2. The Second Gulf War (Aka US War on Iraq) Began on Purim 2003

3. Saddam Hussein captured on 19 kiselv 2003
- Killed on the 10th of Teves 2006
 4.  War in Libya Begins Purim 2011

5. Muammar Gaddafi Killed on Simchas Torah 2011

6. War in Iraq End on 19th kiselv


  1. Sadam Hussein killed on 10th of Teves, 2006.

  2. Anti Israel former French Pres guilty of fraud on Yud tes kislev he helped Iraq built its nuke rector http://articles.latimes.com/2011/dec/15/world/la-fg-france-chirac-20111216
