Is Princess Kate Middleton Jewish?

Jew or Not A Jew?
Source: Life In Israel Princess Kate Middleton, or whatever her last name is now (Windsor?), might one day become the Queen of England. That is, if she should remain married to Prince William and should he one day actually ascend the throne and become king. has a analyzed Middleton's family records, and has found on her mother's side of the family many Jewish names, leading them to conclude that there is a good chance that, even if she does not know it, Princess, and possibly future Queen of England, Kate Middleton might very well be Jewish. I say we send some Chabadniks after her. Get her to start lighting candles and going to the Royal Mikveh. Maybe William will eventually convert. And then what? I don't know what having a Jewish Queen of England might do for us, but it probably cannot hurt too much. I checked out some other websites, and there seems to be no definitive answer to the question "Is Kate Middleton Jewish?", but it seems almost definite that she has some Jewish ancestry.


  1. No she is not Jewish.
    A male Goldsmith married out: Carol Middleton was a Goldsmith... and hence the rumors.
    I repeat: she is not Jewish.

    1. the word cynic as been made derogatory over the years , and after all it only means not naive

  2. Why did they want a ketuba

  3. she could never be Queen. only samone ho was born in the royal family....

  4. Princess Diana was Jewish...many web-sites trace her Jewish ancestry from her mother's side.

  5. yeah, and osama bin laden was jewish.....?!?

  6. Goldsmith is an English name, just like other occupational names like Carpenter or Wheelwright. One would think non-English people assume no one could have been a goldsmith except a Jew, LOL! I grew up in a small Iowa town where no blacks, orientals, Hispanics, or Jews were - shall we say - tolerated. We had a family of Goldsmiths with absolutely no Jewish background at all. If anyone had ever even suspected they were Jewish at any point in their ancestry, they would not have lasted; it was that kind of town. As for Jewish names in Carole's ancestry, I assume you mean Biblical names, which are extremely common throughout medieval and modern English history. My own father was English, and according to custom there is a Joseph in every generation in every branch of the family for 500 years back, and one of the daughters will be either Ruth or Elizabeth. The custom may be religious in origin, but not Jewish. Not that that would be a bad thing, it just isn't.

  7. Hey don't you know the British royal family is a jewish dynasty. There is much evidence for this.

  8. for the reform movement, only the mother has to be Jewish and it is passed down. For the conservative, traditional and orthodox it takes both parents so one has to convert. For one to convert, they must want to be Jewish and can not be asked to convert for the purpose of a marriage either.

    1. Reform Judaism recognizes patriarchal lines as well. The mother doesn't have to be Jewish, but the children have to be brought up with a Jewish identity. According to Jewish law, if the mother is Jewish, the children are Jewish regardless of the Father's affiliation.

  9. true, orthodox or reformist, - does not matter.
    Only the mother has to be jewish. In fact just your mothers mother...

  10. Middleton's mother was a Goldsmith. Her Grandmother was called Harrison, but Mrs. Harrison's mother was a member of the famous Meyer banking family, and all females in the maternal line from there back are jewish. Technically, she is jewish, but as the last six generations of those women were baptized Anglican, and married in Anglican ceremonies, can you really say she is jewish?

  11. i heard the Popes JEWISH...

  12. If you go back far enough, everyone is Jewish. We all go back to Adam and Eve. And everyone knows Eve was Jewish. Who else would have demanded a new wardrobe?

  13. @ Nick Nicholson; Perhaps you say more about "the famous Meyer banking family". shows a Joseph Myers born about 1831 in Yorkshire to another Joseph Myers.

  14. i dcnt know if she is jewish or not, but pippa has a lovely tuchas

    1. Great remark -- worth having a Royal family. Is the Round Table for

  15. Personally speaking...this is about as " wild as it can get "......I also think that Pippa is a Shayna meidel, she has a lovely " ponim ".....other parts of her anatomy should be kept
    " under wraps "........ and...
    " where there's smoke...there's fire"!!!

  16. To be Jewish, one's mother must be Jewish (unless one converts). I am a chasidic Jew and the Torah law is that only the mother must be Jewish for the child to be Jewish.

  17. roses are red violets are bluish if it weren't for Jesus we'd all be Jewish

    1. jesus was jewish didn't u know that?


  18. Anoymous says:
    Jesus was Jewish. The first person to be called a Jew was Abraham. Let's get some facts straight!

    1. Abraham was NOT the first Jew. He was the ancestor of the Jews, by virtue of having introduced and disseminated the principle of monotheism throughout the pagan world. That's why G-d promised him that his descendants would inherit the land of Canaan. The term Judaism is derived from the name Judah, Abraham's great-grandson and Jacob's fourth-oldest son, to whom the mantle of leadership was ultimately passed.

  19. The Windsor name now used by Queen Elizabeth II and other British royals dates back to 1917. Before that the British royal family bore the German-Jewish name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

  20. I am descended from Goldsmiths in Kent (as is Kate). There are a LOT of Goldsmiths in Kent and none of them Jewish


  22. Not Jewish either by religion or tribe. In fact it was over heard that Carole Middleton found it offensive and insulting that someone would consider her family or any of her ancestors Jewish.

  23. Jews have been persecuted since the beginning. And forced conversions were common throughout history -- especially during the Inquisition and the Crusades. There are many, good, anti-semetic Anglicans, Catholics and Protestants who are descended from Jews who chose life over denying Christ as their Savior. However, all are bound by the common ancestry to Abraham. And all are bound by the same Judeo-Christian values (except that genocide in the name of their Lord, which Jews gave up in biblical times -- remembere the Amalekites?). And all share the common status of practitioners in waiting... for the first coming of their Messiah, or the return of Christ, we are waiting. And, if anyone has been to Disney during a crowded holiday week, there is often a lot of disgruntled pushing when the waiting gets too long.


  24. To add to the angles of speculation: All male members of the Royal family, from the time of Queen Victoria, have had their members circumcised by the Chief Moyal of London. (It was considered hygeinic at a time when hygeine and medicine were not too familar with each other. And, so, who better to do it than the top practicitioner?) That practice ended with the birth of Prince William. Off point, except for the ebb and flow of Jews and Jewishness into the lives of Anglicans and all others who claim Christ as their savior, yet revile practitioners of a religion he himself followed and never rejected. Those who embrace the teachings AND PRACTICES of Christ would be the truest Christians -- that would be the Jews for Jesus.

    Just sayin'.


  25. Fact: Abraham was NOT jewish..he was a
    semite. Jews did not exist yet in the time of
    Abraham (from ur of the chaldees.)
    the word "Jew" is a NICKNAME applied to
    jews in europe in the 9th century.
    It applies ONLY of those from the TRIBE of JUDAH..thus a
    JUDEAN...or JU or JEW. also..the word JEW
    does not appear inthe Torah....its the
    CHILDREN OF ISRAEL (Jacob Israel) that we
    see over and over again...but not the term
    "jew". NOTE: ISRAELITES were NOT NOT
    JUDEANS OR JEWS. different Tribe.
    AND of importance: according to
    ancient JUDEAN Law, a child was what the
    FATHER was...the Mother's heritage did not
    matter to ancient Judeans. IF a man accepted
    a child as his own and gave the child his family
    name, the child was what the FATHER WAS..not
    the mother. the Jewish Law was CHANGED to
    a child being of the mother's bloodline.
    read the Torah...its the male PATRIARCH's
    NAMES that are stated...not the women.
    when did they change the Law? probably after
    73 AD when 12 roman Legions descended upon
    Jerusalem and murdered the jewish men and
    took away the jewish women and kids as slaves.
    (the seige of Jerusalem and Rabbi Ben Zach'hai..
    one of the most fascinating battles/seiges
    in military history) thus the Diaspora of 73 AD. just wanted to state the facts. tks

  26. the soul is said to pass through the mothers side, which makes a lot of sense if you think about it. hence someone born to a jewish mother is jewish themselves. this is the counterpoint to the above more practically orientated view.

  27. Even if there were Jews in Kate’s lineage, at least five generations of the Goldsmith clan have been married in churches, so if there was any Jewish link it was lost long ago.

    William would not have been able to marry anyone who was not Church of England (Anglican,) if he did he would forfeit all rights to the throne! (Certified Genealogists) says:

    As for her ethnic ancestry, Kate Middleton appears to be mostly "English". One of her great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers was a child of Huguenot refugees, and one of her great-great-grandfathers was a child of Scottish parents, thus her ethnic ancestry (as far as is currently known) can be shown as:

    93.554 687 5 % English
    6.25 % Scottish
    0.195 312 5 % French
    100.0 %

  28. what a load of rubbish ..Jewish face , etc etc Grow up and concentrate on things that do matter ...

  29. You're an idiot. Few bloodlines in this world have been as "diversified" as royal and Jewish lines have been. The only way to protect your bloodline is to marry within your own family and though many ultra-orthodox communities practice this, it isn't healthy (and if you were a physician in those ultra-orthodox communities, you'd know just how unhealthy it is.)

  30. A lot of noise here. Check the mitochondrial DNA finished

  31. I don't see the point in the debate. Even if she does have Jewish ancestry, it seems irrelevant since she doesn't consider herself Jewish. In my opinion, everyone is arguing about a technical point that doesn't have any practical merit.

  32. I agree. The tribes did travel and were in England and Scotland a all over Europa. It seemed the tribe of Dan was in the Island of Sardinia for 1000 thousand years, then proceeded to go Corsica, and up until reached Danimarca. I was born in Sardinia and found out I am Jewish on my father side. But most of us cannot even trace the lineage.
    Anyway, I believe that the future Queen of England, Kathy Middleton is indeed Jewish. She is also very pretty and does seem to be a proud person. I like her. Shalom, Shalom!

  33. Who cares? Let them have a good life. Let the baby be well and someday be a Great King. We all want peace if we are sane. Just think for a few days people were smiling.

  34. What are you smoking? It is very clear from the Talmud that Jewish ethnicity comes from your mother and Jewish tribe comes from your father.

  35. None of the articles concerning this issue say anything about the fact that many of the Jews who fled the Inquisition ended up in the UK. Many of those sailed off to the New World and South America, and many of them hid their Jewishness to survive. Yes, actually, little Georgie Porgie could be a Jew! And I'm quite ok with that! :) I would LOVE to have a Jewish US president rather than the America hater that we have in office now!

  36. Why is it that Jews are so keen to claim all and sundry as members of the clan?
    Judaism is a pretty exclusive club and doesn't need additional members!

  37. >jewish ethnicity

    you people are dinosaurs

    judaism is religious subscription, jewishness is a culture based onr eligion

  38. Have you read Tanakh at all? If not, I suggest that you read Devarim 32:8-9.

  39. That's really an ignorant comment, to say the very least.

  40. It matters VERY MUCH to the satanic royal family. Just like Diana who had to be a virgin to be sacrificed in the ancient pont du alma (the tunnel). This people live and breathe symbolism.
